Thursdays 20 Oct. – 1 Dec. 6 - 7pm
Admission €5 per lecture
The End of Portraiture?
Join us for a fascinating lecture series with artist and educator Andy Parsons, that explores civilisation's most enduring art-form. We will look at how the role of portraiture has changed throughout the ages, from the earliest known representations of the self, to the way in which contemporary artists deal with identity.
Thurs. 20 Oct. 6 - 7pm
The end of portraits: The end of portraiture has been forecast many times since the advent of photography in the 19th Century, have reports of its demise been exaggerated?
Thurs. 27 Oct. 6 - 7pm
Portraits in 3D: the sculpted depiction of people is one of the oldest forms of creative endeavor, this talk will explore portraits in three dimensions from Neolithic times to the present day.
Thurs. 10 Nov. 6 - 7pm
Self-portraits: from Durer to the selfie. Artists have dramatised themselves throughout art history, more recently using their own bodies as the sites for the exploration of complex themes.
Thurs. 17 Nov. 6 - 7pm
Humanist portraits: Inspired by the writing of John Berger, this talk will look at portraiture that foregrounds sensitivity and empathy, from The Fayum portrait, via Rembrandt to the present day.
Thurs. 24 Nov. 6 - 7pm
Portraits outside the western canon: Looking outside traditional western view of portraits and exploring how different cultures have at different times have represented themselves and each other.
Thurs. 1 Dec. 6 - 7pm
The lens and portraits: Exploring photographic, cinematic and video portraits, and their relationship to 20thCentury and contemporary art practice.