Comfort Zone

‘Comfort zone’ is a drawing installation by Michael Wann comprising one large-scale charcoal drawing on the gallery wall, and ten small pencil studies on board.

The themes of ‘comfort zone’ are the notions of memory and nostalgia. The inherent permanence and sometime transience of these are intrinsically questioned by the temporary large-scale drawing itself, knowing it and all its efforts will vanish in a matter of weeks with only memory to hold it. This is the main focus of the installation: the temporary nature of memory. Over time memory is distorted or erased; through erasure the desire for permanence surfaces in a simple picture.

The installation runs for the month of May 2013 at ‘room’ @The Model Sligo.

‘room’ @ The Model is a contemporary exhibition space designated to the resident studio artists, and is independently programmed and curated.
