This will be a most dynamic week at The Model. On Wednesday, we are re-opening The Model Café with its new operator, Gary Stafford, from “Lyons’ Café”: This operation will be serving coffee, snacks, lunches, drinks and provide sustenance not only to the punters coming out to Model exhibitions, but also to those who want to have coffee and cake before a gig, lunch in the atrium, or to take a glass of wine into a film.
From Wednesday night, we are screening the much-anticipated film
“Submarine”: which is meant to be one of the finest comedies coming out of the UK in years.
On Friday night, the eighth version of the “Sligo New Music Festival”: is launching again with a series of weekend concerts at The Model. This year features Australian musicians, the electric guitarist and soundscape artist extraordinaire Oren Ambarchi and one of the world’s leading recorder players, Genevieve Lacey.