
Carmen Papalia & Kristan Lantz

Artists-in-residence Carmen Papalia and Kristen Lantz are here at the B.R.A to conduct a series of workshops. Check out what their plans are and feel free to come along to participate!

Tuesday, April 7 – Accessibility Auditing workshop with Carmen
13:00 – 17:00
Open to 15 participants, including Model staff & community members. Feel free to invite your family members, friends and community partners—all ages, embodiments, identities and learning styles are welcome! We’ll be discussing open models for access and will conduct an audit of the Model based on our subjective perceptions regarding what is accessible.

Wednesday, April 8 – “Redistributing your Access” talk & workshop
introduction with Kristin
15:00 – 17:00
Kristin will be sharing the work she has done in the past, the work that informs her practice and what she is currently up to in Vancouver. She will finish by proposing her project for her remaining time in residence—in which she will support staff in redistributing their
institutional access to a community member in a mutual exchange.

Thursday, April 9 – “Redistributing your Access” workshop with Kristin
14:00 – 17:00
Kristin will kick off this session by inviting Portland-based friends Travis Neel and Erin Charpentier to lead an exercise about collaborating with community from their Social Practice Workbook. The second half of this session will focus on the task of mapping your institutional access and identifying collaborators with whom to conduct an exchange.

Friday, April 10 – Individual “Redistributing your Access” project
check-in time with Kristin
10:00 – 17:00
Kristin will be scheduling one-on-one meetings with staff to support them in developing their exchange with a community member.

Monday, April 13 – installing statements from auditing workshop with
Carmen & Kristin
10:00 – 17:00
Write your sentiments on gallery walls and other related spaces with curatorial support from Carmen & Kristin.

Tuesday, April 14 – sharing & goodbye meeting with Carmen & Kristin
15:00 – 17:00
