The Model: Inside Out continues through May, with projects by artists Rosie O’Reilly, Clodagh Emoe, Lorenzo Pezzani, and Michael McLoughlin. We are delighted to share The Niland Collection: Inside Out on social media; our new archive The Model Talks; as well as a host of fun and colourful activities to keep children and families entertained and enlightened during this time. Our May programme is laid out below with more details and booking links. We look forward to connecting with you on Zoom, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and on The Model: Inside Out.
Reading with Rosie
Texts now live on The Model: Inside Out
Wed 13 May & Wed 27 May, 11.30am, Zoom
Throughout the month of May you are invited to participate in an online reading group led by artist Rosie O’Reilly. In response to our current exhibition, The Sea Around Us, Rosie invites the group to read four chosen texts ranging from Donna Haraway, Timothy Morton, Etel Adnan, as well as her own work.
These texts will be explored through two informal online discussions on Wed 13 & Wed 27 May. As places are limited early booking is advised. Further information and booking here.

The Niland Collection: Inside Out
Clodagh Emoe, We are and are not, 2015
Wed 6 May, Instagram & Facebook
During this time of isolation, The Model is delighted to shine a light on some of the key works held within The Niland Collection. Check out images and insights into some of our favourite pieces and explore the work of some of the most exciting Irish artists of the last 100 years.
On Wed 6 May we are delighted to present a special focus on Clodagh Emoe, We are and are not, commissioned by The Model on the occasion of WB Yeats’ 150 anniversary in 2015.
Follow us on Instagram to explore Sligo’s Municipal Collection with us and post your questions to our Curators!

The Model Talks
Wed 6 May
This period of closure has given us time to release a project that we have wanted to share with you for some time. Our unique archive of artists’ talks and discussions tracks some of our history and work over the last ten years. We are delighted to present talks with renowned artists and curators, lectures on the collection, as well as interdisciplinary discussion panels. Highlights include Elizabeth Price in conversation with Declan Long, Martin Creed, Susan Hiller interviewed by Francis McKee, and Sean Lynch with Kevin Barry.

Bealtaine Special: Children & Families
Tue. 12 & Thu. 15 May
The Model encourages audiences to celebrate creativity at all stages of life, and on the occasion of Bealtaine, we present a series of fun activities for all the family called Become your Family Historian inspired by Dr Tomás Mac Conmara. The project allows the whole family to celebrate and share their grandparents’ unique stories in this time of separation.
A whole series of exciting & educational children’s activities are available to download here, with new activities added twice every week! Don’t forget to share your finished work with us! #themodelinsideout

Michael McLoughlin, To Our Friends and Patrons – An Invitation
Wed 20 May, 11.30am, Zoom
Supported by Creative Sligo, and Age & Opportunity Bealtaine at Home 2020.
The Showband scene was the cradle of Ireland’s first youth cultural phenomenon. Artists and audiences of this distinct scene are especially invited to reminisce, discuss, and celebrate the era with artist Michael McLoughlin. This project will evolve over the course of the year as the artist collects, records, and documents this unique time in the Sligo/Leitrim music ecology. Book here

Artist talk with Lorenzo Pezzani Forensic Oceanography
Fri. 22 May, 2.30am, Zoom
Forensic Oceanography is a project initiated within the Forensic Architecture agency by Charles Heller and Lorenzo Pezzani, in the wake of the Arab uprisings of 2011. It seeks to critically investigate the militarised border regime imposed by European states across the EU’s maritime frontier, analysing the political, spatial and aesthetic conditions that have turned the waters of the Mediterranean Sea into a deadly liquid for the illegalised migrants seeking to cross it. Booking will open here.