Model to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge, Ireland’s Irish language festival

This year The Model is delighted to announce events as part of the Seachtain na Gaeilge celebrations. Seachtain na Gaeilge (Irish Language Week) is an international Irish language festival and one of the biggest celebrations of our native language and culture that takes place each year in Ireland and in many other countries. Running since 1902, the festival gives an opportunity to everyone to enjoy Irish, whether you are a fluent speaker, learner or have a cúpla focal, with a calendar of entertaining and fun events for every type of interest and every age group.

The Model will host a series of events “as gaeilge” for everyone to participate in on March 1st and 6th.

I mbliana sa Model tá an-áthas orainn imeachtaí mar chuid de cheiliúradh Sheachtain na Gaeilge a fhógairt. Tá Seachtain na Gaeilge féile idirnáisiúnta teanga Gaeilge agus ceann de na cheiliúradh is mó ar ár dteanga agus gcultúr dúchais a bhíonn ar siúl gach bliain in Éirinn agus thar lear. Bhunaíodh an féile i 1902, agus ó shin tugann an fhéile deis do gach duine taitneamh a bhaint as an Ghaeilge , cibé más cainteoir líofa thú, foghlaimeoir nó má tá cúpla focal agat, le féilire imeachtaí siamsaíocht agus spraoi do gach cineál spéise agus gach aoisghrúpa.

Beimid as óstáil sraith lae imeachtaí ‘as Gaeilge’ anseo sa Model do gach duine a bheith rannpháirteach i.

Sunday March 01 2015

Yoga as Gaeilge
11.00 am €8.00pp
With Sorka from Pure Shakti
This special class eases us gently into The Model’s Seachtain na Gaeilge festivities. Join us in the beautiful surroundings of our galleries for this mixed ability yoga class merging Iyengar/ Vinyasa styles, all done through the medium of the Irish Language. surrounded by beautiful art- What more could you want!

Cuireann an rang seo tús le himeachtaí Seachtain na gaeilge anseo sa Model. Bígí linn inár ngaillearaí álainn i rang a mheascaíonn Iyengar agus Vinyasa yoga. Tá fáilte roimh yogis ó aon leibhéal yoga. Ar fad déanta trí modh na gaeilge!

Informal Music afternoon
1.00pm – 3.00pm
€5pp children free
This month’s Informal Music afternoon will launch The Model’s Seachtain na Gaeilge festivities into full swing. Join local legends Seamie O’Dowd and Cathy Jordan and guests for an afternoon of music with a traditional twist.

Trathnóna ¸ceoil neamhfhoirmiúil
Cuirfidh Trathõna ceoil neamhfhoirmiúil na míosa seo imeachtaí Seachtain na gaeilge sa Model faoi lán seoil. Beidh Seamie O’Dowd agus Cathy Jordan anseo le tacaíocht ó cúpla ceoltóirí eile den scoth chun ceoil le blas traidisiúnta a sheinnt!

Guided Gallery Tour in Irish

Explore The Niland Collection and Mark Clare’s I Believe In You with this guided tour through the medium of Irish.

Cuairt Treorithe na ngailearaí
Taisceal ealaín ón bhailiúchán Niland agus saothair Mark Clare “I Believe in You” trí modh na gaeilge.

Coffee & Conversation
The Gallery café is the perfect place to relax and have a chat and will have special discounts for gaeilgóirí attending the comhrá agus cupán session!

Comhrá agus cupán
Atmaisféar foirfe le haighidh comhrá agus cupán. Beidh iascaine speisialta ann le haighidh gaeilgóirí ag freastal ar an gcomhrá agus cupán.

Seamie O’Dowd & Kieran Quinn: A ‘Thank you Sligo’ event
Booking essential.

Sligo is home to an exceptional diversity of musical talent across all music genres. With ‘Thank you Sligo’, we wish to celebrate this incredible talent whilst thanking you, our local community, for your support.

Seamie O’Dowd & Kieran Quinn: Go raibh maith agat Sligeach!!
Deireadh lá gnóthach sa Model! Bígí linn chun ceiliúradh a dhéanamh ar na ceoltoirí iontacha atá again sa chontae álainn seo!

Friday March 06
Storyteller / Seanchaí Gabriel Rosenstock
10am – 4pm (Various times)
Gabriel Rosenstock is an author/ translator of over 160 books, including 13 volumes of poetry and a volume of Haiku in Irish and in English, as well as numerous books for children. His vast output includes plays, work for TV, novels and short stories, children’s literature in prose and verse, including Irish versions of such classics as “The Gruffalo.”/ “An Garbhán” He is the Irish translator of numerous films and TV shows including Watership Down and The Muppet Show.

He is also well known as a translator of song lyrics into Irish by Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen and others, and writers such as Yeats and Beckett.

A member of Aosdána, he has regularly featured in both the Junior Cert and Leaving cert courses. Gabriel has been invited to The Model in order to celebrate both Seachtain na gaeilge and The annual Sligo children’s Bookfestival 2015 Bígí linn for an array of readings of stories, tales and poems!

Údar/ aistritheoir breis is 160 leabhar é Gabriel Rosenstock, dánta, haiku, úrscéalta, leabhair do dhaoine óga, drámaí, gearrscéalta, aistí agus eile ina measc.

I measc na hábhair atá aistrithe go Gaeilge aige tá cláranna teilfíse ar nós “Watership Down” agus “The Muppet Show.” Bhí sé bainteach leis an bhféile IMRAM ó lá a bhunaithe agus is tríd an bhféile sin a tháinig a chuid aistriúchán ar liricí Leonard Cohen is Bob Dylan ar an bhfód chomh maith le dánta Beckett agus Yeats.
Is ball d’Aosdána é, agus go minic feictear é I measc na gcúrsaí teastas sóisireach agus an ardteistiméireacht.

Cuireamar cuireadh do Ghabriel aontú linn sa Model chun Seachtain na Gaeilge agus Féile na leabhair páistí 2015 a ceiliúradh.

Bígí linn le haighidh lá scéalaíocht agus filíochta!

For further information on Seachtain na Gaeilge at The Model and our education programme, please visit

The Model, Home of the Niland Collection,
The Mall,
