Make Your Own Bunting

Susan Mary and Elizabeth Yeats were Jack B. Yeats’ older sisters and were known by their nick-names Lily and Lolly. After art school, Lolly became an art teacher and also made books to show people how to paint flowers.  Lily chose a different kind of art called embroidery. This is the art of making images on fabric using a needle and thread. Lily made lots of embroidery crafts that people could decorate their homes with.

Below you can see a painting by Lolly and an embroidery piece by Lily.

Frabric Craft Paintings

You are going to make your own fabric craft! You can use this bunting to decorate your home.
Bunting is a row of small coloured flags that are traditionally used to decorate streets and buildings at times of celebration.

What you will need

Craft glue or needle and thread
Pen or marker


Pink Paint Splash

The first step is to pick out your fabric, any fabric that is colourful or patterned will do. You could use old t-shirts or even an old tablecloth. Once you have found your fabric, decide which ones go best together.

Make a template for your flags on a piece of cardboard like the triangular shape on the right. You can make it any size you wish to suit your fabric.

Cut out your template and lay it onto your fabric. Draw around the piece of cardboard on the fabric with a marker. Do this as many times as you can so you have as many flags as possible.

Frabric Flag

When you are finished drawing out the flags on the fabric, cut them out using a scissors. If you have a lot of flags get your parents and siblings to help.

Once you have finished cutting your flags the next step is to attach them to the string.

Leave a long enough piece of string at either end to hang your bunting when it’s finished. Put your flag face down on the table and place your string along the flag where the dotted line is on the shape above.

Put glue on the fabric of the flag above the string then fold down the fabric over the string. Hold in place for a few seconds to let the glue set.

Note: If you have a needle and thread at home you could try sewing it instead of using glue, as Lily Yeats would have done. Just make sure that your parent or guardian has given you permission and is on hand to help.

Once your flag is in place move along the string leaving a small gap and repeat with your next flag.

When all your flags are glued or sewn in place hang your bunting in your room as a decoration or maybe even outside on a sunny day.

Ask a parent or guardian to take a picture of your work and share it with us.
Don’t forget to sign it with your name and age.

We will post your artwork on our website and Instagram account

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