Young Model funding award for Nailand collection

Young Model is delighted to announce that its programme has received the 2009 Arts Council Young Ensembles Scheme Award. The young team plan to embark on their most challenging project yet this summer. Through a medium that they are very familiar with — namely video and sound — young model members will carry out a series of interviews with key Irish artists whose work is represented in The Niland Collection. They will research each artist, be thoughtful of the direction the interview should take, devise a series of questions, consider the location of the interview and conduct, film and edit these interviews. The research and interview process will provide the young people with a deeper understanding of the work and its relevance to modern art.

Through this series of interviews young model can literally bring the collection alive by providing a fresh re-interpretation that can be used by young model peers, students, teachers, families to bring a face and fresh relevance to the work. The interviews will be made available online on The Model’s redesigned and interactive website early 2010.

This is an exciting opportunity for young model to be central and intrinsic to a project that will hold great value for Irish culture. I can’t wait myself!! I’ll keep you posted over the coming months. If you or anyone you know between 14-20years are interested in getting involved please get in touch.

Young model would like to thank the Arts Council for recognising the value of young model in Sligo.

– Linda-

Click here to see a list of previous blog posts on what Young Model have been up to of late. Young Model also have an open studio on Friday 22nd May from 4pm in Wolf on Arm – their studio on Wolftone Street, all are welcome.
