Artists’ Residencies & Workshops

Christine Mackey;
Seeking to walk beautifully on the earth

The exhibition Seeking to walk beautifully on the earth is accompanied by a unique creative engagement programme developed by Christine Mackey, and featuring six invited artists. Each week a different artist will be situated in The Model’s East Gallery, where they will set up a public studio and lead a series of ecologically-based workshops for different groups. Outcomes of each residency will be presented in the gallery space on Saturday of every week.

The workshops are offered free of charge but must be booked in advance. Visitors to the exhibition who are not participating in the workshops are welcome to observe the artists at work in their open studio throughout the week.

Residencies & Workshops

Performance Workshop | with artist Sandra Corrigan Breathnach

Wed. 5 Feb. – Fri. 7 Feb.
11am – 4pm

Corrigan Breathnach is an interdisciplinary artist and curator working mainly in performance art. Her practice includes elements of sculpture, drawing, photography, video and sound. Read more...

Public Performance | with Sandra Corrigan Breathnach and Workshop Participants

Sat. 8 Feb. 2pm

The public is invited to view the artist Sandra Corrigan Breathnach and participants as they present their results from the workshop in this public performance.

Drawing & Ecology Workshop | with artist Diane Henshaw

Wed. 12 Feb. 10am – 2.30pm
Thu. 13 Feb. 10am – 2.30pm

Henshaw’s artistic approach is deeply rooted in experimental drawing practice, using a variation of materials and techniques. Looking at multicultural influences on drawing from India and other places she has travelled to, she works with pigments & inks whilst focusing on the natural environment. Read more...

Public Presentation
Sat. 15 Feb. 2 – 4pm

Eco-Print Workshop – Drawing with Nature | with artist Christine Mackey

Fri. 14 Feb. 2 – 4pm

Mackey’s artistic practice is one of profound stewardship, observation and care for the environment, and is deeply rooted in site-specific land and marine-based work. Seasonal processes range from collecting seeds, to weaving floating islands, to nourishing native tree saplings, to the cultivation of waste ground. Read more...

Public Presentation
Sat. 15 Feb. 2 – 4pm

Fungi, Processes and Paper Workshop | with artist Vanya Lambrecht Ward

Wed. 19 Feb. 10.30am – 1pm
Thu. 20 Feb. 10.30am – 1pm
Thu. 20 Feb. 2.30pm – 5pm
Fri. 21 Feb. 10.30am – 1pm
Sat. 22 Feb. 11am – 1.30pm

Lambrecht Ward’s practice considers ideas of perception, decay, and relationships to space, place and environment. Investigations into fungal processes and being continue to fascinate and feed her work. Read more...

Public Presentation
Sat. 22 Feb. 2 – 4pm

Cordage Workshop | with artist Helena Doyle

Thu. 27 Feb. 11am – 12.30pm
Thu. 27 Feb. 2pm – 3.30pm
Fri. 28 Feb. 11am – 12.30pm
Fri. 28 Feb. 2pm – 3.30pm
Sat. 1 Mar. 12pm – 1.30pm

Doyle explores the intersections of folk crafts across the world and shared materials drawn from these diverse lands and their symbolic and cultural associations. She uses cord and rope as a starting point, as a way to connect with local plants and engage the ‘beginner’s mind’, making free moving sculptures that mimic natural systems. Read more...

Public Presentation
Sat. 1 Mar. 2 – 4pm

Collaborative Bio Quilting Workshop | with Katerina Gribkoff

Wed. 5 Mar. 10am – 1pm
Thu 6 Mar. 10am – 1pm

Gribkoff is an artist whose work includes foraging and growing to make dyes and inks, quilts, soft sculptures, photography, and plant support systems. Her research moves through contemporary eco-critical themes, systems thinking (permaculture) and new materialist studies. Her research aims to find alternative, liveable ways of making and creating in tandem with growing systems, and directly links her studio practice with a dye and pigment garden in the Burren. Read more...

Public Presentation
Sat. 8 Mar. 2 – 4pm

Art & Seaweed Foraging Workshop | with Samuel Arnold Keane

Wed. 12 Mar. 10am – 1pm
Thu. 13 Mar. 11am – 2pm

Samuel Arnold Keane is a forager, illustrator and performer, who merges various art forms to tell the stories of the seaweeds he gathers, and the coastal landscape. At the essence of his creative practice is a passion for the natural world, which he shares through image, performance, song and word. Read more...

About the exhibition

Earth's skin is not one soil but many soils. Each has its own story. Soils are active. They are born. They age. They breathe. Soils are in a state of constant change in cycles with no beginning and no end. We are the custodians of this living organism, earth's green mantle.

This opening statement by the artist Christine Mackey sets the stage for her solo exhibition, Seeking to walk beautifully on the earth.

Mackey’s artistic practice is one of profound stewardship, observation and care for the environment, and is deeply rooted in site-specific land and marine-based work. Seasonal processes range from collecting seeds, to weaving floating islands, to nourishing native tree saplings, to the cultivation of waste ground.

Read more about the exhibition.

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